Healing Circles

These circles are a space to come into deep & loving connection with all parts of you. They are a healing space that guide you back to your home and wholeness. In every session we explore your inner world using a mix of meditation, journaling, sharing, energy healing & embodiment. The core intention of this space is discover greater freedom within.

Sharing principles 

Sharing circles are offered. 

Sharing is always an invitation and not an obligation. Within this space you have complete freedom of choice to observe or participate as much as feels good.

Sharing circles offer the opportunity to be both witness and to witness others.

The medicine of sharing is that you can practise expressing your authentic feelings so you can find greater freedom within and better understand yourself.

The medicine of witnessing others is that we learn and connect through our shared feelings, experiences and evolution.

Sacred Agreement to co-create a safe and supportive space 

I understand that this is a space of healing and inner inquiry 

I acknowledge that I am responsible for my own healing 

I agree to honour and hold my emotions tenderly

I acknowledge that I am the guide of myself and will listen and respond to my needs and body cues through the session 

I am declaring that there are no known medical conditions that indicate that meditation, embodiment and energy healing are not suitable for me

I agree to honour and hold the emotions of the women in this space with respect and in complete confidence