Energy Healing Therapies

What is EFT?

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is also known as Tapping. It is a powerful holistic healing technique that resolves a range of issues. It's based on the combined principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology.

The basic Tapping technique requires you to focus on a negative emotion at hand. This can be a fear, a worry, a bad memory, or any unresolved problem. You do this while maintaining your mental focus on this issue. Then you use your fingertips to tap 5-7 times on 9 specific meridian points of the body. Tapping on these meridian endpoints, while addressing the root cause of distress, sends a calming signal to the brain. This allows you to feel relaxed and in control.

EFT can be used as a transformational self-help tool or in a private session to help shift limiting thought processes, resolve past traumas and open to beneficial ways to move forward.


Our bodies and minds are not separate. Often in therapeutic work, the focus remains on the cognitive aspect only, when all of our unresolved emotions, stories and trauma are actually stored in our body. 

To be embodied is to re-inhabit your body. To be present in your sensations, feelings, images and energies through your bodily self. In all my work, we are using the body as the guide. Your feelings guide us to the root of what is calling to witnessed and healed. I will always be asking you how things feel in your body, how your body wants to speak, we use EFT to tap and clear energy from the physical and energy body, and intuitive movement to both express old, and embody new. 

“The body keeps the score” Bessel Van Der Kolk

What is Theta Healing®?

ThetaHealing® changes how you think and feel. It releases emotions (fear, anger, sadness etc), trauma, limiting beliefs and returns you back to your inner-most self. Two principles of this modality are that our thoughts are shaped by our deep-rooted beliefs held in our sub conscious mind (which governs most of our choices btw) and we are all made up of energy. Even our beliefs and emotions are energy. The meditation technique allows access to your sub conscious mind so we can pinpoint where the negativity is coming from and what is the real root or cause of these patterns. Often the reason for these beliefs can be locked away beyond our awareness, perhaps coming from our ancestors, early childhood or our cultural group. Once identified, we shift the beliefs energetically and replace them with empowering ones. This changes how you think and feel, which changes your choices, actions and whole life.  

Theta refers to the slower brainwave - a state of deep relaxation. An example would be the moments before you fall asleep. In a session, I bring my clients into a Theta state through a quick meditation. While in this state, we connect to source energy to receive guidance and witness the energy releases. When you get into a Theta brainwave you transcend beyond the limiting logic of your mind and connect to a higher consciousness where we receive an abundance of wisdom and complete clarity on what requires changing. 

Using a monitoring method to record electrical activity in the brain, scientists have discovered the emotions for bliss and internal peace are only felt when theta brainwaves are dominant. 


Theta Healing® and EFT are safe – all certified practitioners follow a code of ethics. Absolutely no healing can be experienced without your permission and free will. While I absolutely believe in the transformational effects of these energy medicines, I never make claims. The healing potential lays in the hands of the receiver who has the choice to receive or not. We can only work on an issue that you are open and willing to work on. 

Theta Healing® and EFT are not a substitute for medical treatment and as such does not claim to diagnose or cure any medical condition. It can support well-being for the mind, body and spirit in any way that is needed and is safe to receive with any ongoing medical treatment.


It’s really important that you feel in safe hands and so here are my qualifications and experience:

I’m insured to work both privately and in groups. I’ve been helping women to release their birth fears using hypnosis since 2015, running women’s circles and meditation classes since 2016, and offering private healing since 2018. I have been holding a loving space for women and helping them to explore their deep emotions for many years now. I have built a great reputation and you can read my healing testimonials here and my hypnobirthing ones here

If you have any questions, please do get in touch. 


My sessions are so much better experienced than explained. If you’re curious, contact me to set up a FREE initial consultation and we can go from there.