Its time to unpeel the layers…

At some point in time, you expressed as your uninhibited full soul self

Full of light, innocence, magic and joy 

But very quickly (sometimes as early as in mums womb) the world starts to layer untruths about who you are and how you ‘should’ relate to life

You absorb your parents beliefs, patterns and emotions

You suppress feelings and expressions that aren’t received as acceptable and that create any form of disconnection 

You start to dim yourself 

You think what felt true within, must be wrong and must be hidden 

All the suppressed expressions, unresolved emotions and stories get woven and locked into your body, creating dysregulation in your nervous system and dysregulated behaviour and choices

You look outside of yourself for validation on who you ‘should’ be and how you ‘should’ express 

You abandon your Self

Leaving you in a state of disconnection


Deep pain  

Its time to return to yoUr power

The feeling and expressive part of your being, is your wild and magical feminine energy 

Society has tamed and chained this energy for thousands of years 

Stories have been woven into our psyche and bodies that say to feel is ‘too much’, crazy or neurotic

To be cyclical is weak, and to be linear and consistently productive is more worthy 

To express your passion, desires and sexuality is shameful 

To heal and live through intuition and magic, is witchcraft and not only a sin, but not to be trusted 

Ultimately the wild, expressive, intuitive, magical feminine energy is less than the masculine energy

So you’ve pushed her away

And created distortions in how you feel, live, and support your true nature

You have suppressed and disconnected from a huge part of your wholeness and fullness 

And so it’s time to call this part of you back 

To choose to heal the feminine way 

To awaken your self-healing abilities, your power to rebirth, your unconditional love for your self and your wild expressions and magical intuition 

Wake her from her slumber 

And feel her energy pulse through your being 

Live and lead from your heart and womb without any shame or limitation 

Remember your power 

Come home to yourself

And rebirth into your fullness  

Do you feel the calling?