I work using a blend of transformative energy and somatic healing to create the safety in your body to express unprocessed emotion and to integrate any frightened or rejected parts of your being - bringing you back into your wholeness. I also mentor you to discover your own self healing capacity to keep guiding yourself back into wholeness.
The procesS
The process of our work together involves unpeeling the layers that disconnect you from your innermost Self. These layers may be stories, unresolved emotions and trauma. The ‘unpeeling’ involves allowing the parts of you that have been suppressed, shamed, and rejected into the shadows to be witnessed and expressed. When we move towards the shadows in love and safety, the old stories, emotions and trauma dissolve and you return home to yourself.
So much of the pain that we feel and the limiting stories that are created, come from the suppression of our emotions and essence. At some point in time, for most of us, we learn that it is not safe to feel and express. So feelings and trauma get pushed away, into the body, into the ‘not safe to feel’ box. And around these suppressed emotions, we create stories and patterns to keep them locked away. Stories such as “It’s not safe to be me, I am not enough, there is something wrong with me etc etc”.
Using powerful and trauma informed energy medicine, I create a space for these suppressed parts to be expressed and witnessed. By touching the frightened parts with love and bringing them out of hiding, you no longer feel fragmented.
After the expression, comes a space of new possibility. A space of allowing more of true you to come forward and to be embodied. An integral part of our work together is learning to self-mother our younger parts and to embody your now, wise and worthy self. I guide you with practises to use at home to continue this journey of self-mothering and embodied self-love.
How does this look in practice?
In a session, you are held in deep love and expertise. I draw on the different trauma informed Energy Healing Therapies that are suited to the individual person. I will always be guiding you inwards, to sink into your body and feelings. Here we inquire into narratives, beliefs and patterns that are holding you back. We are always aiming to get to the root of any issue that you are experiencing. Where did this emotion or story originate? Why was it created? What does this younger part of you yearn to express and what does she need?
As we go on this inner journey, you enter into a Theta state, which is basically a deeply relaxed brain wave that offers safety as we explore. We also use Emotional Freedom Technique to help create safety and to release emotions as they rise. Sometimes expression may require moving the body to somatically release old energy.
You become an inner mother for your younger self and form a deeply loving relationship with her, committing to never abandoning her again. As you lovingly set free this younger part of you free, you then choose to embody a new expression that is aligned with your now, mature and worthy self. Bringing new energy, feelings, stories and patterns into the body. After sessions, there are usually some meditation or embodiment practices that I invite you to explore at home to support the integration.
My sessions are so much better experienced than explained. If you’re curious, contact me to set up a FREE initial consultation and we can go from there.